Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's not often a gal from North Dakota makes the national news, and when she does it's a big thing for our state.  With the exception of Angie Dickinson and the latest contestant from ND on the Voice, I can't remember any gal who has made it big.  And admittedly, listing Angie kind of dates me.  Lately, we've been proud of one of our own as Marilyn Hagerty hits the headlines across our great country.  Who knew this sweet 'young' gal would make it big, go to the big city and have a ball at the ripe ol' age of 85?

gardendwellers FARM has been lucky enough to be in Marilyn's columns one or twice over the years.  The most recent was last summer when Marilyn was a visitor to the FARM as a part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute from UND.  A video about the day shows the great time we all had on that glorious outing.  Made me think of the signs you sometimes see in places like "George Washington Slept Here".  Maybe this summer we need to erect a few signs of our own saying "Marilyn Hagerty Ate Here" - should be a good marketing ploy!

I've got marketing on the brain this week as we look at ways to market our new location.  The move from Churchs Ferry to our new location near Esmond has been a great one for the business and will give us plenty of room to expand.  The new location has GREAT views and wonderful shelter.  However we're going to hit the market in Minot harder this year and that means educating a whole new set of customers on how to use fresh herbs.  We've been working with the creative Suzie Kenner on our new marketing pieces and she's working wonders.  We're also looking at ordering some cookbooks that feature easy to create dishes using fresh herbs. So watch for our changes - we're growing! 

Lastly, the geese are back, yesterday I heard a robin - didn't see him though, the dandelions are starting to emerge, the rosemary is here and transplanted happily into bigger pots, the oregano should make it home today and will need transplanting and I've seeded again - let's hope this time things work out better than the last batch.  I think spring is really here!  Enjoy!

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