Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring? - Not yet, but close.

We're all getting a little antsy for spring. The cold wind has kept us from working outside as often as we would like and there's only so many games of scrabble you can play on yucky days. It's been great to have some extra help around here so we're well ahead of the clean up schedule just sitting and waiting for ground temps to go up and nighttime weather to stay well above freezing.

One sure sign that spring will really come is the rhubarb. It's already starting to pop up nicely and Barry has done his part to weed the forgotten ones.
The trees are starting to bud and I'm sure the nanking cherries and juneberries will be in bloom soon.
We think we have some people willing to come and help us out over Rhubarb Harvest (Memorial Day weekend) but we have to make the final phone calls. Remember, any and all help is welcome - but then again so are observers and visitors. May will be here before we know it!
Hang in there - spring is almost here!

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