Thursday, November 02, 2006

You can tell it's fall and I'm winding down. It's been a while since I added to this blog. Not that it's an excuse but we have been really busy.

On October 20th they pulled our new home onto its new location in Churchs Ferry. The big question everyone asks is, "When are you moving in" - well, to all of you the answer is "when our house in Devils Lake sells." I really have no desire to heat two places throughout the winter and with a large group of hunters (in size and number) coming in two weeks for deer season - I think our big house in Devils Lake will do for now. I am very anxious to move out to the farm but if you know us at all you know we do things in baby steps, one little step at a time.

Speaking of baby steps - we have a new baby. A baby of the wet nose, long ears, four paws kind. We hope to be introducing you to her at the farm next year. She is a black Cocker Spaniel whose name is Ida. Ida has been a great little baby. She is good at night and sleeps all night long with a dry kennel in the moning - what a relief to us and house training is going extremely well. She is such a good puppy and Mae is SO glad to have another dog in the house. Mae looks and feels better everyday with a companion to look after.

Now some farm news - let's all welcome the "California Kids Farms to Barton ND. They have relocated here from California and will be growing all manner of vegetables and small fruits for sale at regional farmers markets. We wish them the best of luck and welcome another grower to our region.

Also - we are already looking ahead to next year. I'm hoping to plant about 120 lemon verbena next year. A select few of you got to sample the trial plants I had this year and if my wholesaler comes through we'll have plenty more in 07. Also new in 2007 will be the wonderful "self taught" machine! We need a better name for it but that is our vending machine that we will convert to dispense self guided tour sheets, Churchs Ferry history brochures, theme garden plant lists, and kids make and take projects. (You know what I'll be working on all winter) We are also working to write an APUC grant for a distiller. Our new clients in Minot and elsewhere around the state would really be happy if we would get the grant and be able to provide them with custom made essential oils for their bath and body products. We're hoping not to disappoint them. We're also hooking up with a college or two and hoping to find an intern so if you see a new face in a gardendwellers shirt next year don't be surprised.

One last thing I am anxious for - the printing and distribution of the 2007 Prairie Garden book. As a contributing author I have seen a preview of this issue (to be printed in December and released in January of 07). The theme this year is Edible Landscapes. There are great articles on all manner of fruits, veggies, mushrooms, nuts, and other delectible garden items. Be sure to contact me if you want to know how to get on their standing order list.

Enough for now - have lots of work to do. Enjoy!

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