Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Another Season for gardendwellers FARM

2015 brings another season for gardendwellers FARM.  This year we're pretty excited as we have taken on a few more grocery stores and we're back in the business of inviting guests and visitors to the farm.

Although this spring has been crazy, one minute 70 and sunny and perfect planting weather; we've also had our share of cold.  Last weeks rains brought us over 3 inches of total precipitation with 3.5 inches of snow.

Today the weather is better and back to sunny and warm.  We're banking on tonight being the last of the damaging frost and we'll be hauling butt planting after Wednesday.

The high tunnel is already planted with Basil and Rosemary and has escaped damage during the cold weather.  That puts us on track for first deliveries to our customers the end of June.  The parsley, fennel, and thyme seeds in the field are just coming up and they too survived the snow and cold.  Soon they will be joined by their friends marjoram, oregano, winter savory and sage.  We also have over 200 mint plants just begging to be planted.

We're super hyped about a few other things this year as well.  One of which is our Farm to Table Dinner and Social that we will hold in August.  We're proud to announce that Fargo Brewing Company will be joining us for the evening where owner Aaron Hill will talk about the brewing process, their business, and how it pairs with the food we'll be serving.  Watch our website and facebook page for more details as they become available.

The dinner will be about more than just food and beer.  The food will be sourced from small farmers in North Dakota, those that actually touch each and every piece with love and caring.  We will also have some of the farmers and businesses on hand that evening so guests can visit with them about how they grow and produce their products. 

We're hoping for a nice evening so we can pull out a few of the lawn games and let people socialize and enjoy the farm while they are here.  We need to take time to enjoy our meals, and this will be a great way to do just that!

We've also been working quite hard on the new website design.  If you're reading this on the new site, please feel free to leave us some feedback about the new site.  It's never too late to change things and constructive criticism is always welcome.

The orchard was blooming heavy but with the freezing temps I am afraid we'll have lost some of our potential for a big fruit harvest.  Some things like the black currants will be just fine, however I am worried about the Carmine Jewel cherries and the apples as they were in full bloom before the snow.

For now though, all I know is I can't wait to get the seedlings and transplants out of my living room!  As you can see, they've gotten quite leggy waiting for Nature to get her act together.

Happy Planting everyone!  Hope to see you at the FARM this summer.

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