A new addition
This past weekend we were lucky enough to complete one of ourgoals for the farm. Since the beginning we've had an "on demand learning center" in our marketing plan. We never thought we would truly accomplish this as it had been 4 years and everything we saw to complete the project was too expensive.
On Friday after work I stopped at a yard sale across from our house in Devils Lake and there she was - what a beauty! A manual vending machine! It had belonged to a church and the woman assured me that it still worked. It had all of the keys and spare parts we would need and for a very nice price I purchased it (after calling Barry to confirm that this was something we still wanted to do). Saturday Barry and the neighbor worked to get it in good running order and to make sure all of the slots worked. It is in place and functioning - holding soda right now, but boy do we have plans for it.
The idea is to have a place where visitors can receive information if Barry and I are not there. The machine would be able to have plant lists for the theme gardens in one slot, a self guided walking tour in another, maybe a copy of the history of Churchs Ferry as written by G.C. Chamberes in 1894, and also some small and simple projects for children to do while at the farm. All of the items will need to be under $1.00, very affordable, but would be a nice touch for times when Barry and I cannot be at the farm to greet or tour guests. (helps to cover photocopying costs too) Now I just have some typing and formating work to do before this will be up and running. Be sure to stop by and check it out.
While Barry worked on the new 'learning center' I weeded. Right now the weeds are both a blessing and a curse. We are so dry that the weeds are the only thing holding the moisture in the soil but also because of the heat they are already setting seed which will mean more weeds as summer progresses. I hate to remove them and expose that beautiful black dirt to the drying sun and heat but if I don't - weeds, weeds, weeds will have to be a class added to this year's schedule!
Enjoy your Independance Day,
Holly and Barry
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