Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Holy Basil Batman!

Holy Basil!  Or should we say Genovese Basil!  That's been the words of the day at our place for several days now.  We've just kicked into full swing this past week and for some reason all of our wholesale customers wanted their basil fix this week.

We did plan for this...

This is our planting fields.  We plant in blocks, two to three rows to a block.  The majority of rows in this field are Genovese Basil, 12 rows actually.  All rows are about fifty feet long - give or take, depends on how much I was paying attention to my iPod or to my seeding when I was  putting them in.  Anyway - we've got PLENTY of basil.

The stuff is looking GORGEOUS!

Big and full, large leaves and I sure wish this blog had smell-o-vision - what a scent.  However - this week we have had orders for over 27 pounds of it already and orders for 12 more pounds to go.  I don't mind picking basil when it's like this.  It's quick and easy and fun.  The end of the season when the basil has been worked hard and its tired and ready to go to sleep for the winter is a whole 'nother thing!  The upcoming weeks will be the same as this week as Tall, Dark, and Handsome picked up another wholesale order in town today for about 6 to 8 pounds per week and the one wholesale order for this week that was 18 pounds will go up to 30! 

Our shareholders received their first orders of Basil this past Monday.  Marv and Ilene Baker of North Star Farms, who helped us with the pick up of shares, reported the shareholders were surprised at the quantity.  I guess, when you're used to the little one ounce store packages, a quarter pound does seem like a lot.  I have one word for people who think it's too much basil....
OK - back to  picking basil...wish you were here!