Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Two Days To Go!

Well, it's two days to the big event and I can't wait. This year we feel more ready than ever to receive all of the guests, both at home and the farm, than ever before.

We're all mowed and spiffed up at the farm and with the exception of one small weed patch, we're pretty weed free too. The straw bales for seating in the demonstration tent will be delivered on Friday evening courtesy of Ron Rodenbiker. The alumni worked hard last night and got the Alumni building all sparkling clean. It's fun to hear the old school bell ring and know that there is activity there again. The bathrooms are clean and few new 'pretty' items added for a homey touch. The mini motor home has a new mattress cover and the sheets are ready as one of our vendors will be spending the night there Friday night. Last night I mowed the labyrinth and the theme gardens and pulled the last of the weeds so now I think we're ready. As ready as we get anyway.

We're very glad to be hosting some friends who will come to town from Minnesota for the event. My dear friend from the college in Minnesota is coming with her family as are our best friends and ex-neighbors from Minnesota with their four kids. Our house will ring with laughter this weekend and as usual it will be one of the two times per year when our large house is actually filled and all the beds are used. The 'lodge' as we affectionately call it, is usually way too big for Barry and I by ourselves but twice a year (during the Produce Party and Deer Season) it fills to the brim with family and friends. That's when I like the house the best.

We hope to see you all at the Produce Party. We've ordered the weather especially for the day and have been promised party sunny with 72 degrees - Perfect!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Every day - one day closer to the Produce Party!

We are still looking for more veggie and produce vendors for the Produce Party so anyone who has a few extra tomatoes, potatoes, or whatever - please call to reserve your spot today.

We're going to have a ball this year. So far we have over 20 vendors with food, produce, books, and art that will fill the day with fun. I also truly believe they are some of the most interesting people I've ever met. Be sure to check out the schedule to get in on the fun.

The rain we had sure helped things green up and we actually mowed the grass last night. That's the first time in months that we have had to mow. Things were bright green and even some of the perennials are giving it a second try at blooming. Everything seems to want to look good for the Produce Party.

Barry and I picked the grapes off of the arbor on Sunday and yesterday my mother, Delores, came to get them. She'll make us some great grape jelly to help get us through the winter. Jelly is always better with home grown fruits and this year's crops of nanking cherries, black currants, and now grapes have filled our pantry to over flowing.

We look forward to seeing you - and remember, call if you want a booth space to get rid of those extra veggies, be a part of the fun!